pregnant mother holding belly smiling in atlanta georgia

More than just a doula service.

We’re the new healing space for motherhood. There’s also a tug on your soul, one that’s ready to receive nourishment for yourself beyond the standard options we lean on - you’re ready for deep, soul development.

You’re in the right place.

pink roses

Many arrive here after they’ve
exhausted all other options.

Some arrive after asking, ‘where can I find what I’m looking for - the deep peace my soul is aching for?’

It’s here. And it’s by no accident you’ve arrived at this space.

Melissa Fernandez in energy healing session with pregnant mom in atlanta georgia
The Atlanta Postpartum Doula stars graphic

Our energy healing services center on three modalities:

• Expansion Principle Energy

• Human Design

• Nervous System Regulation

Through this 3-part framework, one I call ‘The Resilient Blueprint’, we uncover and heal layers of old wounds, stories, timelines, and pain that is ready to be gently moved away.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

The outcomes bring relief.

A deep sigh of gratitude and a release of pressure. You notice space has been carved out for more of you and your magic to come in.
Life becomes more ease and less worry.

What is Expansion Principle Energy Healing?

The Expansion Principle (EP) is a groundbreaking energy technology that allows for healing at the seed - what I like to call the functional medicine of energy work.

Developed by Dr. Alexis Edwards and the multidimensional being Simon, EP utilizes energy movement & transmissions to facilitate healing at one’s own pace.

EP releases trauma, restores the energy body, activates DNA, alleviates physical pain, and brings balance to the emotional system in a gentle, nourishing way.

EP not only enhances personal growth but is a potent tool to utilize in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Our energy healing sessions can quite literally, transform your birthing, postpartum, and motherhood experience within a few sessions.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula pattern

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into an individual’s natural strengths, challenges, and overall energetic blueprint.

Human Design acts as a powerful tool, offering a personalized guide for self-discovery and aligning with one’s built-in life rhythms.

Understanding your Human Design can enhance how you operate in the world, change old beliefs, re-pattern your thoughts, and quite literally, step into more peace and calm.

Through our services, you’ll learn how to apply HD techniques for yourself while also learning your kids’ design as well!

energy healing session materials from The Atlanta Postpartum Doula

Here are some topics we can work through:

• Labor pain relief

• Energetically untangle recurring themes

• Nervous System Regulation & skill-building

• Relationship guidance

• Trauma surrounding birth/postpartum

• Anxiety & depression support + skill building

• Workout guidance

• Holding space for challenges that arise in


• Untangling the mother wound

• Healing from a difficult birth experience

…..and much more.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic
Melissa Fernandez, energy healer of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula

I combine my wisdom & expertise to ground you deeply within yourself.

I bring you recovery techniques, empowered guidance, effective communication, a listening ear, energetic healing support, and high-level doula support.

I am the gentle, nourishing, safe guide as you enter into motherhood. I am here to nourish you, your family, and make sure you feel grounded, joyful, and more than supported….you feel LOVED beyond measure.

    • a Hall of Fame Athlete at the University of Illinois

    • D1 NCAA Gymnast & student-athlete

    • 9.5 years of Touring in shows as a Cirque du Soleil Acrobat

    • NASM Personal Training & Cognitive Behavioral Change Certifications

    • Bachelors in Kinesiology

    • Certified Postpartum Doula Training

    • Level 2 Expansion Principle Practitioner

    • Mother of 3 and sacred keeper of the home

purple peony

Heal at the seed, create more space.

Imagine feeling deeply grounded, supported, and regulated in pregnancy & motherhood. Our Energy Healing Services provide numerous benefits, including:

• Foster a sense of resiliency

• Learn energy healing techniques for self-care

• Discover your unique Human Design and how to operate from it

• Experience tension release and create space to ‘breathe’

• Restore your nervous system to optimal function

• Gain emotional regulation skills

• Experience the healing old patterns.

• Learn techniques to manage anxiety, depression, and trauma.

• Have tools to ride the waves of life

• Less doubt and more surety.

• Easier pregnancies.

• Shorter labors.

• Ability to ask for help without feeling guilty.

• Confidence when making decisions (less decision fatigue)

• Learning to love yourself deeply.

• Knowing with boldness your worth is simply by *being*.

This is for you if you want to experience more:
Emotional regulation - Health - Love - Magic - Play - Joy - Abundance

energy healer doula with pregnant mother in atlanta georgia


Packages & Pricing

  • ($297) Focused on preparing you for labor with techniques to release fear and surrender to the process.


    ◦ A 60 minute private Zoom consultation

    ◦ Human Design foundational chart

    ◦ Expansion Principle Healing transmission & meditation

    ◦ A card pull to anchor in your session and bring forward your labor affirmation.

  • ($197) Utilizing Human Design & Expansion Principle energy healing to provide grounded, practical parenting guidance so that you can understand yourself and your kid(s) more fully. Great for specific challenges you’re experiencing.


    ◦ Intake questionnaire to assess concerns

    ◦ A summarized PDF report

    ◦ Human Design foundational information

    ◦ Expansion Principle Healing energy infused within reading

    ◦ 1 week of Private Voxer support

  • ($397) Intensive yet gentle healing sessions to move forward and process trauma related to birth or postpartum experiences.


    ◦ Human Design foundational information

    ◦ Expansion Principle Healing transmission & meditation

    ◦ 1 week of Private Voxer support

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic
tarot cards and herbs

The Resilient Healer

4-month package

We work intimately to untangle themes you’re experiencing in pregnancy and/or postpartum, specifically using The Illumination Series.

This is a step-by-step process to provide you the tools to heal yourself w/ Expansion Principle Energy.

We uncover and heal so you feel more grounded, confident, and regulated. This is a transformative experience.

How it Works

We connect through private Zoom calls & Voxer for 4 months. If you are local to Atlanta, GA we can meet in-person! Our sessions are intimate, deep, & personalized to you. You will have space for emotional sharing & guidance on how to move through.

We use Expansion Principle Energy, Human Design, Intuitive Exploration, & Card Readings as our modalities for root-cause, energetic healing.


  • ◦ Pregnancy doula support

    ◦ Labor preparedness

    ◦ Postpartum recovery support

    ◦ Unlimited Voxer Access

    ◦ Foundational Human Design Information

    ◦ Energy healing transmissions as needed

    ◦ Illumination Scaffolding for you

    ◦ Teaching you the 'How to Use Your Scaffolding' skill set

    ◦ On-going virtual or in-person mentorship & support

Melissa Fernandez of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula on laptop

What to expect

During our sessions, we will move the energy, heal what is ready to heal, and allow space for gentle transformations to occur.

You will also feel radically seen, heard, and nourished, on a deeply cellular level while working with me.

At the completion of our 4 months, you will have acquired a unique skillset & tools to energetically heal yourself. This includes your Human Design, EP Energy Healing w/ The Illumination Scaffolding, and Nervous System Regulation tools.

This experience is so much more than just a doula package. It is the gift of healing to yourself, your kids, and your ancestral lineage, past-present-future.

Melissa Fernandez, energy healer doula with pregnant mom in energy healing session
The Atlanta Postpartum Doula dragonfly graphic

Full Service

The APPD Experience

Bundle ALL our services to receive the Full APPD Experience. Includes a custom plan for in-home doula support, all a la carte services and all energy healing services.

Discount: 10% off the total price

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It's a unique form of energy healing that helps to untangle recurring themes, regulate the nervous system, and promote emotional and mental well-being.

  • Yes, our packages can be combined with in-home postpartum services for comprehensive support. The Full Service Package includes: All a la carte services, a custom plan for in-home doula support, and energy healing services and a discount of 10% off the total price.

  • Schedule a consultation with us, and we'll help determine the best package based on your specific needs and goals.

  • Absolutely. Our virtual sessions are designed to be just as effective, providing you with flexibility and convenience.

pink peonies in fayette county georgia

Are you ready to embark on a transformative healing journey into motherhood?

Schedule a consultation and learn how our Energy Healing Services can support you.

pregnant mom looking out window in fulton county georgia

You are worthy

of support, nourishment, and love.

Release the grip, pause, and truly surrender to this beautiful, expansive journey of motherhood. It’s going to be better than you can even imagine.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic