Melissa Fernandez of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula

Meet Melissa

Founder and Visionary

Hi! My name is Melissa and I’m the owner of this incredible agency. The APPD began in 2020 with a profound desire to reform postpartum care in America. This mission drives us every day as we serve families, expand, and deepen our roots.

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My passion for postpartum care

As a doula, energetic practitioner, wife, and retired professional acrobat, my journey has been anything but ordinary. I spent 9.5 years with Cirque du Soleil, performing in three different shows and traveling the world. It was during this time that I met my husband while performing on tour in Atlanta (Amaluna 2014).

We met one day for coffee at San Fransisco Coffeehouse in Virginia Highlands, and that was it! Fast forward 10 years later and we have three kiddos: Zoey (8), Chloe (5), and Jack (2). My passion for postpartum care emerged from my own experiences as a mother and a performer.

After my first two pregnancies and births, I returned to high-level acrobatic work, which demanded an immense focus on recovery. This led me to pursue my certification as a Postpartum Doula, blending my expertise in physical recovery with a deep commitment to supporting new mothers.

I provide daytime support, Energy Healing Sessions, Private Consults, & Motherhood Mentorship. To ease the transition into motherhood, I use a unique blend of modalities for my services: Human Design and Expansion Principle Energy.

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Our Mission and Values

The APPD’s mission is clear: Revolutionizing Postpartum. We provide holistic postpartum education and integrate natural healing modalities to help mothers find their balance after birth. We believe in:


Prioritizing the needs, experiences, and well-being of the mother (or primary caregiver).


Embracing natural and holistic approaches to healing.


Valuing and respecting the choices of every individual.


Demonstrating compassion, understanding, and sensitivity to the needs of mothers.


Commitment to ongoing learning, healing, growth, and refinement of self.


Building connections and fostering support among new mothers.

In 2024, our goal is to support over 100 families in the Greater Atlanta area.

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Our team is our greatest asset. Each member brings unique qualifications and a shared commitment to our mission.

They are certified with recognized organizations, background checked, extensively trained, and CPR Certified. They are hand-selected to join our team based on a rigorous set of criteria so that you can be 100% confident in the quality of service you receive.

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Meet the Team

Melissa Fernandez of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula with new mother and baby
The Atlanta Postpartum Doula logo graphic

We offer dependable and experienced doulas to support you in early postpartum.

Not only have I gathered Atlanta’s best postpartum doulas, our team also includes newborn care specialists, massage therapists, trained lactation counselors, perinatal mental health specialists, and a midwife!

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula support team of certified doulas in Atlanta Georgia

About Our Certified & Trained Team

In addition to our team completing standard trainings, they receive continuing education in maternal mental health, advanced infant care skills, lactation support, postpartum mood disorders, infant sleep support, & holistic recovery.

The APPD Team prioritizes staying up-to-date with current evidence-based studies on birth, postpartum, transition to parenthood, and lactation.

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client testimonials

“Melissa was a great resource and support for us with our little one!”

“I struggled initially with anxiety and uncertainty, and she was tremendously reassuring and affirming. I highly recommend her!” - Sydney Ahearn

Join Us in Revolutionizing Postpartum

As the #1 Postpartum Support Team in Atlanta, we help you…

Ensure a smooth transition with personalized postpartum plans.


Gain confidence through comprehensive childbirth education.


Experience restful recovery with postpartum doula support.


Build supportive networks with community connections.


Enhance personal growth with energy healing services.


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breastfeeding mom and newborn baby in atlanta georgia

Step into a new era of postpartum care.

I heard a client of ours tell us, “My postpartum was easy.” It all clicked. Of course it was easy! When you implement our framework, this can be your experience too.

We have the formula, we have the team set up, and our doors are open. We are here to help you say, “My postpartum was easy.”