The Pregnancy & Postpartum
Practitioner Program

An immersive 9-month certification designed to equip you with cutting-edge holistic modalities that will revolutionize your approach to client care with healing, wealth, & personal development.

Inviting all doulas, birth workers, holistic practitioners, mothers, and emerging healers.

As the needs of your clients evolve, it’s time to enhance your expertise and offer deeper, more transformative care.

If you’re feeling called to:

  • Provide holistic support that addresses emotional, energetic, and physical needs..

  • Bridge the gaps left by traditional trainings and master advanced, modern techniques..

  • Integrate personal growth and professional development to create a thriving practice..

    You’re in the right spot.

You support women

through one of life’s most profound journeys—pregnancy and postpartum.

Yet, you may have found that traditional training doesn’t fully address the deeper emotional, energetic, and psychological needs of your clients.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

What you’re noticing:

You desire a comprehensive skill set that allows you to confidently support prenatal and postpartum clients with transformative results.

You’re eager to go beyond the basics, mastering nuanced care techniques that foster deep, lasting change.

You crave an in-depth training that integrates both client care and your own personal growth, enhancing your overall well-being and professional success.

The challenge?

Most programs offer brief, fragmented content that doesn’t provide the depth or integration you need. You want a holistic program that delivers:

  • Embodied training with personal development and skill advancement.

  • A supportive, structured approach that ensures you can apply your new skills effectively.

  • Advanced techniques that create transformative experiences for both you and your clients.

Not just another certification...

The PPP is a life-changing journey designed
to empower you with an exclusive skillset.

with a focus on

Personal Growth: Nervous System Skills, Human Design Foundations, and Expansion Principle Energy Healing.

Skillset Advancement: Transform your life while you learn to transform the lives of others.

Business Development: Craft compelling offers, boost your revenue, and create lasting client connections.

by learning a blend of modalities:

Nervous System Skills: Equip clients with tools to alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression.

Human Design Foundations: Tailor your support to each client’s unique blueprint for enhanced care.

Expansion Principle Energy Healing: Guide clients through healing traumatic experiences and restoring emotional balance.

Not only will you significantly enhance your client support toolbox, you will personally experience expansive growth within yourself.

“Just watched the replay, you are just magical...I felt confirmed in my decision that I want to be in the spaces you are in and this training is AH-mazing!”

— Kristen L.

As a Practitioner,
we go deeper.

With a duration beyond a weekend workshop, you gain the depth and integration needed to truly master advanced skills for significant client impact.

This program teaches you how to assess, evaluate, and apply techniques to your clients’ intimate concerns they have in pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood.

You’ll have the skills & knowledge to confidently guide them through their biggest life challenges.

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula stars graphic

Plus, it’s part of a larger mission:

Revolutionizing Postpartum

By empowering you to enhance your own well-being and that of the mothers we work with, our students are redefining the materal experience for women all over the world.

How are we doing it?

Emotional regulation + healing old patterns.

The capacity to regain balance during challenging life moments is crucial for fostering resilience.

Especially in motherhood.

The Program Design
The Resilient Blueprint: A unique 9-month timeline
designed to weave through three transformative phases.

  • Nourish.

    April - May

    Personal Development: Begin with your own growth learning & using Human Design foundations, Expansion Principle Energy Healing, & Nervous System tools.

  • Nurture.

    August - November

    Skill Enhancement: Dive deep into advanced techniques for supporting yourself & clients through pregnancy, early postpartum, & the first years of motherhood.

  • Navigate.

    January - February

    Business Mastery: Learn to create compelling offers using The Radiance Method, build long-term support packages, and develop effective strategies to increase your revenue.

How the Program is Delivered:

  • 2x Monthly Live Trainings

    The main curriculum and skill building will be given in LIVE trainings.

    Training Time:
    12-1pm EST

    2024 Training Dates:
    April 16, 23, 30
    May 14 & 28
    Aug 14 & 20
    Sept 4 & 18
    Oct 2, 16, & 30
    Nov 13
    2025: Jan 8, 22, 29

    *replays always available

  • Alongside the live trainings, we'll also use pre-recorded lessons and bonus materials as needed.

    These will be self-paced and on-demand.

  • CONNECT: Peer discussions & direct line to Melissa

    Our group Voxer is where we'll connect deeply. Voxer is a free communication app used for voice notes, text, image sharing, and staying connected.

    You’ll have 9-months of peer support as well as direct, time convenient, access to me for questions. I will check in 1-2x week, but more frequently during integration periods.

  • Time between each Phase (Nourish - Nurture - Navigate) to integrate the skills while also applying directly with clients.

    During Integration we also submit sections of The Certification Portfolio.

    No live calls during integration periods.

The Curriculum

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

    1. Resonance Realignment: Kicking off our Nourish trimester, this module focuses on reconnecting with your core self and rediscovering who you are. I’ll introduce our program’s unique design, dive into the key modalities, explain their significance, and explore The Radiance Method and how it will be applied to both you and your clients.

    2. Human Design Systems Foundations: Covering the essentials of Human Design, this module provides the foundational knowledge you need to understand and apply the system effectively.

    3. Journey Through the Centers from Conception to Birth: Explore how Human Design influences each center in our systems from conception through to birth, showing its integral role throughout the entire process.

    4. The Illumination Process: Learn to establish the energetic framework needed to access EP energy healing transmissions whenever you need them.

    5. Synthesis: Deepen your understanding of Nervous System regulation with tools, handouts, and more.

    This includes The Expansion Principle Labyrinth, Nervous System Tools and Supplements Handout, The Resilient Blueprint, and your Certification Portfolio.

  • Nurture Trimester Overview:

    • Welcome Video: Introduction to the skills and client applications you'll be mastering in this trimester.

    • Training 1: The Radiance Method: Explore the foundational principles of The Radiance Method and how to apply them effectively.

    • Training 2: Pregnancy Concerns, Remedies, & When to Worry (with Lynn Earman, CNM, WHP): Learn to identify and address common pregnancy concerns, along with remedies and guidelines on when to seek further care.

    • Training 2a: Postpartum Concerns, Remedies, & When to Worry (with Lynn Earman, CNM, WHP): A deep dive into postpartum care, focusing on key concerns, remedies, and critical signs to watch for.

    • Training 3: The Nurtured Client: Understand the essentials of nurturing your clients through each stage of their journey.

    • Training 4: Midwife skills session: A focused session with Midwife Lynn Earman, delving into specialized topics of pregnancy and postpartum care.

    • Training 5: Human Design: Apply Human Design principles specifically tailored to the reading charts, PHS, and more.

    • Training 6: Postpartum is Forever: Explore the long-term aspects of postpartum care and how to support clients beyond the immediate postpartum period.

    • Training 7: Client Assessment Tool: Build your unique client assessment tool for your practice.

    • Training 8: Energy Modalities & Exploration: Dive into various energy modalities, exploring how to integrate them into client care.

  • Business Skills: Revenue Reimagining & Certification Completion

    • Intuitive and Practical Business Design: Learn to create a business structure that aligns with your Human Design & intuition while being practical and sustainable.

    • Marketing for your Human Design

    • Long-Term Packages for Recurring Revenue: Design packages that generate consistent income and keep clients engaged over time.

    • Money Healing Discussions: Engage in conversations that help heal your relationship with money, empowering you to earn with confidence.

    • Increasing Your Rates Easily: Strategies to raise your rates seamlessly, ensuring your value is recognized and compensated.

    • Yearly Business Mapping for More Time Freedom: Plan your business year to maximize efficiency, create more free time, and prevent burnout.

    • Design, Build, and Map Out Your Ideal Business Model: Develop a customized approach to sharing your new skillset, allowing you to earn more, work less, and still deliver significant impact to your clients.

The Modalities You’ll Learn 

  • Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into an individual's natural strengths, challenges, and overall energetic blueprint.

    Human Design acts as a powerful tool, offering a personalized guide for self-discovery and aligning with one's authentic life rhythms.

    For our doula clients, understanding their Human Design can enhance the support provided during pregnancy and postpartum by tailoring care to their specific needs, promoting a more harmonious and tailored experience.

    You'll learn how to apply HD techniques on yourself, your clients, their kids' design, and your business.

  • The Expansion Principle (EP) is a groundbreaking energy technology that allows for healing 'at the seed' - what I like to call the functional medicine of energy work

    Developed by Dr. Alexis Edwards and the multidimensional being Simon, EP utilizes energy movement & transmissions to facilitate healing at one's own pace.

    EP releases trauma, restores the energy body, activates DNA, alleviates physical pain, and brings balance to the emotional system in a gentle, nourishing way.

    EP not only enhances personal growth for the practitioner but becomes a potent tool for doula clients.

    By incorporating elements of EP into your business, practitioners can provide tailored support and foster a more profound, personalized healing journey for mothers.

  • Our approach focuses on regulating the autonomic nervous system, which plays a crucial role in managing stress responses. By implementing regulating techniques, we activate calmness & balance the body's nervous system.

    These tools, including yoga nidra and mindset perspectives, aid personal growth and empower practitioners to navigate life's challenges.

    For doula clients, integrating these tools creates space for being in relaxed states & managing stress better during pregnancy and postpartum.

The Unique Trifecta of The Resilient Blueprint.

The combination of these three modalities, in use together, is what sets this training program apart from any other training you'll see in the perinatal industry.

Certification Requirements:

What you can do as a Certified Advanced Pregnancy & Postpartum Practitioner

Add consulting, mentorship, and energy healing to your practice


Guide clients through healing from traumatic birth and postpartum experiences


Teach tools to alleviate anxiety and depression


Confidently address common concerns during pregnancy and postpartum


Equip clients with skills to build resilience in life and motherhood


Offer energy healing sessions in both private and group settings


The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

Benefits You’ll Gain

How your practice

will change:

Intimate Relationships: Build lasting client connections.

Effective Results: Shorter labors, less pain.

Marketable Offers: Create clear, compelling packages.

Hybrid Model: Boost convenience and revenue.

Industry Leader: Use innovative client care approaches.

What you’ll experience

Deep Trust: Build self-confidence.

Financial Skills: Attract wealth.

Energy Healing: Master self-care techniques.

Unique Design: Operate from your Human Design

Nervous System: Restore optimal function & release tension.

Increased Revenue: Boost income with premium services.

Enhanced Retention: More satisfied, repeat clients.

Expanded Offerings: Add high-value services.

Professional Value: Stand out in the market.

Personal Growth: Gain confidence and well-being.

What you’re clients will experinece:

  • Through knowing their own Human Design, receiving EP Energy, and learning the tools for Nervous System Regulation, your clients will know how to rebalance while in transformative life changes.

    What an invaluable gift you can give your clients.

  • ✓Mothers feeling confident in themselves
    ✓Less doubt and more surety.
    ✓Easier pregnancies.
    ✓Shorter labors.
    ✓Ability to ask for help without feeling guilty.

  • 🦋Yes to education that teaches them labor tools.
    🦋Yes to hiring an extended support team.
    🦋Yes to going for a massage.
    🦋Yes to feeling oh so worthy to be held.

Tangibles and What Your
ROI Will Look Like:

Meet Your Teachers:

Melissa Fernandez of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula

Meet Melissa Fernandez

I’m a retired Cirque du Soleil Acrobat & Certified Postpartum Doula & Level 3 Expansion Principle Practitioner & training to become an EP Teacher. Using my decades plus expertise in recovering, I educate and support families to heal faster after labor, birth, & during postpartum.

As a doula, I guide families to optimal wellness by blending intuitive modalities into the modern world we live in. I tap into the emotional, physical, & energetic components of birth, labor, & postpartum to provide clients with a healing, nourishing, and positive parenting experience.

My mission is to Revolutionize Postpartum in America. For me, that begins with postpartum education becoming a high priority in the prenatal stage so that as a collective we learn to honor the sacredness of what it brings forth.

As a Business Strategist & Guide for ambitious birth workers, I’m here to make building business easy while prioritizing your health as part of the equation.

Lynn midwife and childbirth educator in Georgia

Meet Lynn

Certified Nurse Midwife &
Women's Health Practitioner

A practicing midwife in Roswell, GA, her career as a began as a nurse in the NICU, where she then moved to L&D and postpartum.

She decided to go back to midwifery school because she wanted to make a bigger impact on the maternal outcomes she was witnessing.

She'll be teaching in the 'Nuture' Phase, sharing her pregnancy, labor, birthing, and postpartum knowledge in true 1/4 (her Human Design profile) fashion.

✓Holistic midwifery concepts
✓Common pregnancy concerns & how to help clients
✓Common scenarios to be prepared for
✓Guiding clients by trimester
✓and more!

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

Meet Pam

Human Design Expert +
Expansion Principle Practitioner

Pam December is an empath, highly sensitive person, devoted mom, and weekend gamer who started her spiritual journey in her late teens.

Over the past six years, she has committed herself wholeheartedly to crafting a life and business that brings her sustained satisfaction.

Passionate about utilizing her knowledge and skills to facilitate profound healing of mind, body, and soul, Pam helps individuals recognize their true selves and embark on transformative journeys.

Drawing from her personal experiences, Pam understands intimately the toll of burnout and anxiety on daily life. She firmly believes that unlocking one's unique energy blueprint is essential for cultivating happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.

Through her expertise in Human Design and the Expansion Principle™, Pam empowers others to nourish themselves from within, facilitating quantum changes that ripple out to positively impact the world.

Under the banner of Mad for Purple, Pam offers unwavering support for individuals seeking healing and self-actualization.

Through personalized mentoring, consulting, and group programs, she leverages the transformative power of Human Design and the Expansion Principle™ healing technology.

By guiding individuals to heal and release conditioning, Pam facilitates a deeper connection to intuitive gifts and innate body wisdom, paving the way for a new paradigm of health and wealth not only for her clients but for their businesses, families, and communities as well.

What Students are saying about the Practitioner Program:

The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is for you if...

    • You're a doula, birth worker, service provider, or mom with a business, and you work with women in the perinatal period.

    • You want to add more depth to your current skill set in supporting your clients prenatally & postpartum.

    • You want to add holistic modalities to how you support your clients

    • You want to learn more about Human Design & integrate it into you business

    • You want to use Energy Healing in your personal life and/or business

    • You're looking for a standard doula training to become certified as a doula. We will not cover the standard doula role.

    • You don’t want to experience personal growth within yourself, or you're not willing to invest your time to actively participate in the trainings.

    • You’re not open to learning the modalities of Human Design, Energy Work, and Nervous System Regulation.

  • The only requirement is that you join with an open heart and a big ol' 'YES' to the curriculum.

  • The integration periods are set times during the summer and winter months to actively implement the materials you'll learn from the training.

    We will communicate in our group Voxer chat with questions while also sharing your experiences as you implement the tools with your clients.

    The only change is we don't have live calls during integration periods.

  • Yes.

    The trainings will always be recorded and uploaded immediately into our private group in Mighty Networks. 

  • You will have access to the training curriculum for life.

  • You can enroll at anytime, reserving your spot for the upcoming Trimester.

    You'll receive access to the curriculum, group Voxer, and live trainings at the beginning of the Trimester.

  • Navigate: Jan-Feb
    Nourish: April-May
    Nurture: Aug-Nov

    For ex: If you enroll in March, you reserve 1 of the 10 spots and begin live trainings for the Nourish Trimester in April.

  • Only 10 students may enroll per trimester.

  • Yes there are split pay & monthly options you can choose from at checkout. If you need more options please reach out to

I’d like you to visualize & imagine

what it would feel like when:

⚡️ Your business lining up with your dreams and feeling expansive with abundance flowing daily

⚡️Loving yourself deeply.

⚡️Relationships more rich and full.

⚡️Money flowing abundantly to support you.

⚡️Clients easily paying you for services.

✓Taking on only ideal clients when you want.

✓Resting as much as you'd like while still making money.

✓Increasing your rates easily

✓Building offers that match your energy.

You’re officially invited to enroll.

Ready to become a Certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Practitioner?!

Choose your plan

Split Pay

2x $1,555

  • Complete Curriculum

  • LIVE Trainings

  • Private Group Voxer


One Payment



  • Complete Curriculum

  • LIVE Trainings

  • Private Group Voxer

New Monthly Payment Plan

9x $349

accessible price

  • Complete Curriculum

  • LIVE Trainings

  • Private Group Voxer

With the time investment, impact, and deep life transformation,
the total value of this program is well over any dollar I could tag it at.

(if you like numbers though, it'd land around $5,555)

But for the next week only, you're invited to join at $2997

See you there!