Melissa Fernandez of The Atlanta Postpartum Doula with new mom, baby and toddler doing expansion principle energy healing

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Our Services & Offerings

From classes, to in-home support, and energetic guidance, our services ensure a smooth start to parenthood. Our team is here to make your postpartum experience seamless.

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Our clients consistently tell us how invaluable our services have been for them.

Whether it’s through our childbirth education class, in-home postpartum support, or our energy healing sessions, we are here to help you navigate the early days of motherhood with ease and confidence.

Postpartum doula in Hall County, Georgia with tea pot for postpartum daytime doula services
materials on table for pregnancy and postpartum energy healing session by The Atlanta Postpartum Doula
The Atlanta Postpartum Doula flower graphic

Our Services

  • We cover the most needed information (no fluff!) all in one space: Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Recovery, 4th Trimester Adjustment, Breastfeeding 101, and Newborn Care basics.

    Click to browse our CBE Class

  • We provide overnight newborn care & daytime support so you can get more sleep, recover quicker, feel supported, and learn the ropes with a doula by your side.

    In case you were wondering: Yes, we accept Carrot benefits & have certified doulas who meet the requirements for reimburement.

    Learn more here

  • Utilizing a unique blend of Human Design & Expansion Principle, you receive personalized guidance to navigate pregnancy/motherhood.

    Services include Labor & Fear Releasing Sessions, Grounded Parenting Consults, & Birth/PP Trauma Healing Sessions.

    Learn more here

  • Customize your support experience with our additional offerings, including midwife consults, pregnancy/postpartum massages, Registry + Planning Audits, and our newest service: Sibling Doula Support!

    We aim to provide these additional services to be a one-stop shop while also adding depth to your pregnancy & postpartum journey.

    Browse them all here

The Timeline

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Ready to experience a supported postpartum?